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Coverage Questions

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When does auto insurance cover accidental damage?

Does auto insurance cover accidental damage? What does car insurance cover, and what coverage do you need to be protected? We need a little auto insurance 101. What your car insurance will cover depends on what kind of coverage you have. If you’re confused about how car insurance works when it comes to accidental damage,...

Does auto insurance cover accidental damage? What does car i...

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When does auto insurance cover a dead battery?

Does auto insurance cover a dead battery? It’s a common question. While auto insurance can help pay for damage to your car caused by collisions, weather, or even vandalism (depending on your coverage), one common problem that is not typically covered by auto insurance is a dead car battery. That said, even if your auto...

Does auto insurance cover a dead battery? It’s a commo...

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When does auto insurance cover hydrolock?

When does auto insurance cover hydrolock? It’s not exactly Auto Insurance 101, but we’ve got all the answers you need. If you’ve got the right insurance policy, you can get sudden hydrolock repairs covered. However, you should also know how the claim will raise your rates and may total your vehicle. Now that you know...

When does auto insurance cover hydrolock? It’s not exa...

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Does auto insurance cover hitting a dog?

Many accidents happen when animals dart out into the road and vehicles swerve to miss them. Unfortunately, it’s not always possible to avoid a collision. Serious damage can occur to both you and the animal.  It can be an incredibly distressing experience overall, but it’s worth discussing because you never know when it could happen...

Many accidents happen when animals dart out into the road an...

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When does auto insurance cover a clutch replacement?

We know that understanding auto insurance requirements and figuring out what is and isn’t covered by your policy can be overwhelming. For example, does auto insurance cover clutch replacement? If trying to find out the answer to this question seems daunting, don’t worry. You’ve come to the right place. Take a few minutes to read...

We know that understanding auto insurance requirements and f...

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Is there such a thing as windshield auto insurance?

While there’s no such thing as windshield auto insurance, there is usually a glass policy included in comprehensive and collision insurance. This is an optional part of your insurance policy, unless you have a car loan, so not everyone has glass coverage. Get instant, FREE quotes from several car insurance companies after you enter your...

While there’s no such thing as windshield auto insurance, ...

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Can I deduct auto insurance as a business expense?

As a business owner, independent contractor, or even salaried employee, you want to reduce business-related expenses every way you can. You may be shopping for auto insurance rates today using a FREE comparison tool online. These tools allow you to compare multiple insurance rates online simply by entering your ZIP code. It may have crossed...

As a business owner, independent contractor, or even salarie...

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Should I cancel car insurance if I am deployed overseas?

If you are in the military and deployed overseas then it’s quite possible you want to cut down on expenses while away. Military personnel can cancel their car insurance before deployment however this is NOT always a good idea. There are a number of instances when it may make more sense to simply reduce your...

If you are in the military and deployed overseas then it’s...

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How can I waive my auto insurance deductible?

When you buy auto insurance, you are making a few assumptions. One assumption is that the company will pay for your vehicle’s damages if you purchase collision insurance. However, most auto insurance companies also tack on a deductible, normally in the amount of around $500, to your collision insurance. This deductible is your responsibility if...

When you buy auto insurance, you are making a few assumption...

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Is auto insurance in force during a state of emergency?

The term “state of emergency” is a loosely-used phrase which most people understand to apply during a severe weather or natural disaster event. In reality, the term is a legal one, referring to the right of an official to close businesses and public services. Most often, this term is used by the President or a...

The term “state of emergency” is a loosely-used phrase w...

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How much can I save with a low mileage auto insurance policy?

Drivers who do not drive often or drive great distances are at far less statistical risk to be involved in a car accident than other drivers. Because of this, these drivers are often eligible for a significant discount on their auto insurance, or may be able to purchase a completely different, “low-mileage” policy which costs...

Drivers who do not drive often or drive great distances are ...

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How do I add a family member as an additional driver to my auto insurance policy?

Adding a family member as an additional driver to your auto insurance policy is much easier than you may think. Most auto insurance companies allow a very quick way to add additional drivers to an existing policy but there are things you should be aware of before ever adding anyone to a policy under your...

Adding a family member as an additional driver to your auto ...

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Will my auto insurance coverage pay for a cracked rim?

Auto insurance is sold in different categories of coverage so whenever you ask the question “will auto insurance cover” something you really need to understand the types of auto insurance. Almost any kind of vehicle damage is covered under auto insurance but only if you have the right type of coverage. What are the types...

Auto insurance is sold in different categories of coverage s...

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How much auto insurance do you need?

Having the right amount of auto insurance could make the difference between financial health and ruin. If a person is found at fault in a serious traffic accident and does not have insurance, chances are good that the other party to the accident will sue to recover their damages. This may force the person at...

Having the right amount of auto insurance could make the dif...

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How much can I save with a Good Driver Discount?

Preferred risk drivers are often eligible for substantial discounts on auto insurance premiums by what is commonly known as the Good Driver Discount. Car insurance companies love to insure drivers with clean driving records and reward lower risk individuals with much better premiums. Use our FREE quote comparison tool to find auto insurance rates today!...

Preferred risk drivers are often eligible for substantial di...

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What car insurance discounts can I get with a Hybrid car?

The number of options available for consumers who want to purchase a Hybrid car or Hybrid SUV is rapidly growing, but these vehicles still cost much more than their gasoline-powered counterparts. Due to the high sticker prices of hybrid cars, trucks, and SUVs, owners are looking for creative ways to save on the costs of...

The number of options available for consumers who want to pu...

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Can my car insurance be canceled from a speeding ticket, a DUI or car accident?

Having inexpensive car insurance or being able to get insurance at all is somewhat of a privilege, just like driving. Only drivers with clean records have access to the best auto insurance rates. However the difficulty involved in getting affordable insurance, and the chance of having car insurance canceled increases with each point a driver...

Having inexpensive car insurance or being able to get insura...

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