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Who is the GEICO caveman in GEICO car insurance commercials?

The Geico Insurance Caveman is an iconic advertising character appearing in television commercials since 2004. The original caveman character has been expanded to include a whole group of cavemen, and the commercials have become favorites of television viewers. There was even a short-lived sitcom based on the cavemen, and websites and other marketing items are...

The Geico Insurance Caveman is an iconic advertising charact...

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Top 10 Most Modified Cars in America

Modified cars are all the rage, but car modifications are above and beyond the cost of a vehicle and can make even the most expensive cars in the world more expensive. From engine tuning to nitrous injection and turbochargers to exhaust systems, it’s almost easier to spend more on modifying your tricked-out ride than the...

Modified cars are all the rage, but car modifications are ab...

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15 Worst Cities for Speeding [2025 Update]

Data from the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) shows that despite the risks, approximately 70 percent of American drivers report speeding at least some of the time. Each year, speeding kills about 10,000 people and is responsible for nearly 30 percent of all motor vehicle deaths in the U.S. This article delves deep into...

Data from the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration...

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Who is the voice of the Geico Gecko?

The Geico Gecko is one of the company’s most popular advertising mascots. The animal is a computer-animated representation of a gold-dust day gecko, an animal common in the islands of the southwest Indian ocean. The real geckos are reptiles similar to lizards, inhabiting trees and other vegetation. The creature is anthropomorphic, meaning it has human...

The Geico Gecko is one of the company’s most popular adver...

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Who is the voice of the Aflac Duck?

The Aflac duck is a white, comically quacking bird and one of the most recognizable advertising icons in television history. This duck has become so famous, he (or she?) actually has his replica on Madison Avenue’s Walk of Fame in New York City as one of “America’s Favorites.” Use our FREE quote tool to compare...

The Aflac duck is a white, comically quacking bird and one o...

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Best Cars for Fat People

America is certainly not well known for skinny jeans. In fact, quite the opposite – America is the fattest country in the world by many measures. So while all those tiny electric and hybrid cars are great for the environment, they aren’t so great for our butts! Sleek and sporty is useless if all you...

America is certainly not well known for skinny jeans. In fac...

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What is the DMV Demerit Point System?

In an effort to curb reckless and dangerous driving habits, many states have instituted a “demerit point system” which allow the state to assess points on a driver’s license for traffic violations. These points are cumulative and can affect auto insurance rates, as well as eventually cost the driver his or her license when sufficient...

In an effort to curb reckless and dangerous driving habits, ...

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Who provides Crash Test Ratings and Crash Test Scores?

One way to determine if a vehicle is safe for drivers and passengers is to conduct a “crash test.” This literally means that a representative model of the car is crashed under controlled conditions to observe the impact on passengers. This process gives scientists insight into what happens during an automobile crash and how well...

One way to determine if a vehicle is safe for drivers and pa...

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Child Booster Seat Safety Ratings

Booster sets play a critical role in the safety of children. All states have laws that make booster seats mandatory for children while riding in a vehicle and car insurance companies can deny any claim for damages should you violate these laws (not to mention you risk the health of your child). While these laws...

Booster sets play a critical role in the safety of children....

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Top 10 Most Expensive Sports Cars in the world

The most expensive sports cars in the world are exotic, fast and (obviously) expensive but with this kind of speed and sexiness what is money anyway? The top 10 most expensive sports cars for 2011 include the Bugatti Veyron, Pagani Zonda, Koenigsegg Agera R, Ferrai Enzo and more. Use our FREE quote tool to compare...

The most expensive sports cars in the world are exotic, fast...

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The General Auto Insurance Scam

One of the largest auto insurance companies in the nation which deals with “high-risk” customers is The General Auto Insurance. The General is well-known for having low rates for drivers with less-than-perfect driving histories or credit reports. However, there have also been complaints about The General’s overall service and commitment to customers. Use our FREE...

One of the largest auto insurance companies in the nation wh...

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Top 10 Sports Cars in the USA

According to U.S. News and World Report’s 2011 rankings, sports car buyers will not be forced to sacrifice interior comfort for performance this year. Three well-balanced sports cars all tied for first place in the U.S. News rankings, each earning an overall score of 9.1 out of 10. Read on the learn more about the...

According to U.S. News and World Report’s 2011 rankings, s...

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Top 10 Female Race Car Drivers

The auto racing industry is dominated by male drivers and when you think of F1 Racing or Indy Car racing almost all of the celebrity names are men however female race car drivers are not hiding in the pit. While car insurance for women drivers is cheaper than male drivers there are some women drivers...

The auto racing industry is dominated by male drivers and wh...

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Top 10 Pickup Trucks in the USA

This year’s list of the top 10 pickup trucks in America has something for everyone, including compact trucks, sport utility trucks, and full-size pickups. The list includes the best-of-the-best in all three of these pickup truck categories, with vehicles ranked according to their U.S. News and World Report scores. Compare insurance rates today with our...

This year’s list of the top 10 pickup trucks in America ha...

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Top 10 Hybrid Cars in the USA

If you’re a fan of American car companies, you’ll be pleased to learn that they came back with a vengeance this year in the hybrid car category. Chevrolet and Ford produced the top-ranked hybrids in 2011, according to U.S. News and World Report. As the highest-priced vehicles in the category, the Chevrolet Volt and the...

If you’re a fan of American car companies, you’ll be ple...

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Who is Flo the Progressive Auto Insurance Girl?

These days, it’s difficult to turn on the TV or surf the Internet without running into Flo, the Progressive Auto Insurance Girl. An unfailingly perky and eager-to-please Progressive Insurance cashier, Flo doles out discounts and helpful information to prospective auto insurance customers with refreshing honesty and a quirky sense of humor that has turned her...

These days, it’s difficult to turn on the TV or surf the I...

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What is the most popular Geico Commercial?

Geico is the 3rd largest car insurance company by market share with over 9 million policyholders but when it comes to advertising very few auto insurance companies even come close to Geico’s advertising budget. In 2010 Geico was estimated to have spent almost $800 million on ads and in the last 4 years alone the...

Geico is the 3rd largest car insurance company by market sha...

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